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June 11, 2024

Medical Visa in India IVF Surrogacy

Medical visa to India for IVF Surrogacy: easy and convenient process to complete your dream which you find gruelling at your place

Medical visa to India would be easy for the sterile couple intending for the IVF treatment to complete the family and start the best journey of life. The process to be at the centre of India involves some of the steps but would be very supportive to your sterility journey. Throughout the world, infertility problem in is increasing day by day. Due to the stress and changing lifestyle of the couple, people might suffer the complications in conceiving. As the infertility treatment is not of good quality everywhere albeit costs more, this is the reason because of which many couples opts for IVF treatment in India. Surrogacy is one of the best and easiest infertility treatments over known for female and most of the infertility cases of a couple are reported due to female infertility. At a very initial stage when the couple needs to have counselling session in which they did clear about the things of cost, quality and service couples get a lot much satisfaction. Thus with the help from centre and the couple, the mutual co-operation of the activities takes place for the visa and transportation facilities. As long you are provided with visa, the centre and staff members will be in coordination with the couple.

Medical visa to India for IVF Surrogacy

Medical history is most for the IVF treatment: no any obstacle would let you move out of our centre

    Medical history is most for the IVF treatment who really wants to come to our centre for the secure and safe IVF surrogacy. Medical visa to India for IVF surrogacy needs the data and report for which the centre will be very helpful and trustworthy. For the check-up for IVF surrogacy, the couple needs to enroll themselves. After the enrolment procedure is completed medical history, ID proof and medical history are the most. The medical history should be positive enough to have the treatment and should support the need of clinic and centre. The medical history plays a very important role to have your medical visa. To procedure with medical visa, the couple needs to be eligible to undergo surrogacy in India. The clients visiting India for infertility treatment have different procedure depending upon the type of nationality and originality. Basic, the procedure will be categorized under two headings-

    • Indians living abroad: For the NRI, it is not compulsory to have a medical visa to them supposed that the passport with them is of India. For the scrutiny of government that they will not change their nationality in the due course of treatment, they need to show affidavit.
    • Originally from different countries: The patients belonging to other nation should mandatorily have a medical visa to start surrogacy treatment in India. In the case, we will provide them with special help for investigation and query. Candidate needs to go through FRRO process. FRRO (Foreign Regional Registration officer) registration must be obtained within 14 days of your arrival.

    Marital relationship matters a lot to start with the treatment

    It is very crucial to start the treatment to ensure that the man and woman are duly married and the marriage has sustained at least for two years.  Embassy letter of your country in India should mention the following things for the approval of Visa-

    • the country recognizes surrogacy
    • child through the Indian surrogate would be given same priority as a biological child in your country
    • the couple should be responsible to take care of the child they are demanding for
    • treatment should be done in one of the recognized centre in India

    Medical visa for surrogacy in India is one of the important factors which many of the couples are searching to get soon and start the treatment as of its many successful records.

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    The validity of passport: the sufficient time you need for the surrogacy

    Medical visa for surrogacy in India is the matter of concern but along with this the validity of the visa is also supposed to get concerned. The country at a time provides the medical visa for only 180 days which can be renewed in your need and all. After the first visit of the couple to centre, the doctors will make very clear about the time needed for whole treatment. The notarized agreement between the doctor, surrogate mother and intending couple should also be attach.

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